Friday 11 May 2012


WinterPimp[Winter Collection]

From the subtitle 'Winter Collection' your initial thoughts are fur, boots and woolly hats. My initial thought was Rihanna's 'pimp' outfit from her music video 'You da One'. The styling of her outfit consisted of shorts, fur coat and a bowler hat. I have produced a homage by keeping as close to the original styling and believe I have done this well. As for the art direction I inspired my model by playing 'You da One' and allowed her to move to the song. To highlight that this image is a representation of a pimp, the pose shown is quite sexual and explicit.

 As for the make-up, I looked at tutorials of how to apply the exact make-up. I found that fake eyelashes were applied in a strange way in that they were applied to one lower lid. I have made this feature noticable in my homage and makes the image more sexual and intriguing.

Overall I think my homage to Rihanna was successful in keeping with the theme 'Winter Collection'. This piece shows sexuality and 'boyish' behaviour.

I feel I have achieved a fashion image that portrays a winter collection. The fur element being winter with the theme of 'pimp' being the fashion aspect. I think I have achieved a good fashion image.

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