Thursday 14 June 2012


HOMAGE [Fashion Portrait]

Guy Bourdin is one of the most influential and well-known photographers of time. His work looks at colour and sex. From looking through some of his work I noticed he likes to focus on women's legs and  showing them in there best form. I came across an image in one of his books which featured a woman's face covered with layered fingers. I love how effective this image is when you first come across it. The symbolisim of being blind is extremely clever.

I chose to re-create this image for my Fashion portrait element. For this piece we worked in small groups. We used the colour theme of red and incorporated this by using a model with red hair, red finger nails and a red uniform blazer. I love how this image turned out, as we found it difficult to position the hands. I like the contrast of red with our models skin tone as well.

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